The Carbon County Community Foundation is seeking candidates for a Marketing & Communications Intern and a Foundation Operations & Administration Intern for the summer of 2023. These are paid positions ($10.35/hr) that are part-time (25-30 hrs/week) with the...
Today is #GivingTuesday, the global day of generosity unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. We invite you to consider making a donation to one of the more than 40 different charitable funds that the Carbon...
Not a Member? Join the 20/20 Circle On November 10, 2022, more than 85 members of the 20/20 Circle Members and guests heard from three Carbon County nonprofit groups about the amazing community projects they are organizing. Following the meeting, 20/20 Circle members...
The Carbon County Community Foundation (CCCF) is seeking candidates for board service who are knowledgeable about the educational, cultural, civic, public, and charitable needs of the Carbon County region, and who are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and...
Carbon Career & Technical Institute (CCTI) opened its doors to younger students this summer when staff and faculty hosted the second annual Non-Traditional Occupations Summer Camp after two-year hiatus due to COVID. Nearly 80 students in grades 6-8 spent eight...
We are thrilled to welcome two interns to the Carbon County Community Foundation team for the summer! Sydney Geist is a recent alumni of Liberty University, where she received her degree in Business Administration with cognates in Communications & Marketing Sales...