On November 10, 2022, more than 85 members of the 20/20 Circle Members and guests heard from three Carbon County nonprofit groups about the amazing community projects they are organizing.  Following the meeting, 20/20 Circle members vote to decide which organization will be the recipient of a $3,500 grant from the 20/20 Fund to support their project.

The three nonprofits that were featured are:

Behavioral Health Associates: LEGO Club for the Intensive Social Skills Training (ISST) Program
Behavioral Health Associates empowers students and clients by providing comprehensive and compassionate educational and mental health resources for everyone, regardless of their circumstances. They strive to create an environment where students and clients feel safe, valued, connected, and secure, empowering them to take risks and become confident independent members of our community.

With this grant, BHA will establish a Lego Club in the ISST program will serve to help students enhance their social skills, increase problem-solving, and improve STEAM outcomes.

View Behavioral Health Associates’ presentation materials.*

GCC Panther Valley Food Pantry: Community Food Pantry Cooling Unit
It is the mission of GCC Panther Valley Food Pantry to assist in meeting the nutritional needs of families within the Panther Valley and surrounding communities.  They currently serve 55 households or 150 people.  This equates to approximately 2,000 pounds of food distributed each month, including shelf stable, frozen foods, as well as healthy, fresh fruits, veggies, and other foods requiring refrigeration.

With this grant, the Panther Valley Food Pantry will replace fridge/freezer unit that is no longer working.

View Panther Valley Food Pantry’s presentation materials.*

Summit Hill Heritage Center: Bring Live Music Back to the Center
The purpose of the Heritage Center is to provide a community meeting place for all in the Panther Valley and surrounding communities, provide a perpetual facility for the Summit Hill Community Food Bank and its successors; provide a venue for musical and cultural events including historical, low-cost educational programs; and a place for all the community service groups to meet and/or hold events.

With this grant, the Summit Hill Heritage Center will add a live music/local musicians component to its upcoming events in order to enhance fundraising efforts and to increase local attendance.

View Summit Hill Heritage Center’s presentation materials.*

These three organizations were selected by a volunteer committee of current 20/20 Circle members from a pool of 11 incredible applicants.  Following the program, 20/20 Circle Members have 24 hours to submit their vote for the project they would like to fund this year.  The winning project will receive a grant of $3,500.

Community members who are not yet part of the 20/20 Circle can join during this 24-hour period and will then be eligible to vote this year and in the future.  20/20 Circle members pledge a one-time gift of $1,000 (payable over four years, or $21/month) and become part of an important group that is making a lasting impact and investment in Carbon County.

**Due to a technical glitch (social media can only be good for some things), the recording from this morning’s program is no longer available.  Our apologies to everyone who was not able to watch in person or on the live stream.**

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