20/20 Circle
A New Vision for Charitable Giving in Carbon County
What is the 20/20 Circle?
The 20/20 Circle Fund is made up of individuals and businesses working together to increase their impact in the community by pooling their philanthropic dollars. Members make a one-time contribution of $1,000 to the 20/20 Circle Fund, which is invested and grows year after year. 20/20 Circle members meet annually to hear from the most promising organizations and projects serving the Carbon County region and decide which project to fund as a group (one vote for each membership).
The goal is for 250 community members to pledge a one-time donation of $1,000 to create the 20/20 Circle Fund. Once the goal is met, Carbon County will have a permanently endowed fund of $250,000 from which we can award up to $10,000* in grants per year, forever. Donors become lifetime members, receive an invitation to an annual event, and help award grants from the 20/20 Circle Fund to the most promising qualified charitable projects in our community.
A Community Asset. Forever.
We call it the 20/20 Circle because it is a visionary network in our community that is designed to be without end. Help build this significant asset for Carbon County. Fill out the form below or call 1-855-545-1311 to join today.
Here's how it works:
Community Members Donate
A business or individual membership is obtained by a $1,000 donation. Donations can be paid over time as needed. (For example, $250 per year over 4 years)
Donors may choose to purchase multiple memberships and, if they wish, designate the additional votes to others (a spouse or other family member, employees, partners, etc.)
Community Members Vote on Projects
Members meet annually to hear from promising charitable organizations in the region selected through a competitive application process overseen by a volunteer committee staffed from the 20/20 Circle.
After a brief summary from each nonprofit, members vote and award up to $10,000* to the selected project.
Our Community Benefits
By pooling our 20/20 membership donations for the annual grant award, we can give more to the causes that matter most and have the greatest impact, year after year. Over time, the committee can shape the awards process to adapt to the ever-changing needs of Carbon County. Once you and other members build it, the Community Foundation ensures that this fund is here to benefit Carbon County forever.
Thank You to Our 20/20 Circle Members!
903 Landscape Supply, Inc. Michael & Meredith Alabovitz Louis & Stephanie Alexander Sharon & Zach Alexander Bill & Carol Allison Carlene Andress, (Andress Appraisals) Andrew P. Ovsak Funeral Home Michelle Behler Dr. Lisa Bleicher (Family Chiropractic) Ray & Ann Marie Bossard, (Bossard’s Board Works) Dave & Charmaine Bradley, (Thermal Solutions, Inc.) Amber Breiner & Josh Finsel, (JFAB Photography) Dana & Barton Cannariato Jim & Tiffani Christman, (Jim Christman Real Estate) Ryan & Jen Christman Jay & Diana Cooperman Colleen Davis Dennis & Susan DeMara Paul & Lorraine Dolinsky Tina & John Dowd John Drury Dwight & Marianne Eisenhower Carol Etheridge & Steve Chuckra Kathy & Charles Fallow Janelle Farkas (Wild Edge Wellness) Bernie Fierro Mark Fludgate, (Elk Lighting) Paul & Cleo Fogal Sierra Fogal & Reed Confer Richard Forgay II Barbara Franzosa Brandy & Jason Frey Elissa Garofalo Cynthia Gasper Danielle & Leon George, (George’s Busing) Yvette & Richard Getz, (Forest Inn Masonry Supply) Ami Gruber Steve & Patti Hartman David & Patricia Haw Gary & Bobbi Hayward Midge Heiser Jennifer Hollenbach Mark & Lois Hollopeter Gene Huttie Bob Jacobs & Dave Artman Keen Masonry, LLC Lisa Snell Kern Peter & Carol Kern Alina King Marlyn & Bill Kissner Bob & Jill Kostenbader Maya Kowalcyk Colette & Steve Kresge Lois Corby Kuba |
Christi Kuhn Lehigh Valley Health Network LE Williams Printing, LLC Dr. Sue Ann Lewine Al & Diane Luedtke James & Vikki Mann Dr. Michael & Melissa Martinez Joseph Mastriani, CPA, (Buckno Lisicky) Julie McDonald Dr. Clem & Sophie McGinley Russ & Rebecca Mehnert Jaime & Sharon Mendes Peter & Jeanne Miller Melissa Mohr Matthew Mottola Heather & William Mullen The Neffs National Bank Richard & Darlene Nothstein Steve & Kim Ohl, (RF Ohl) Christopher & Janelle Ondrus Fraternal Order of Orioles, Lehighton Packer Commandery No. 23 – Knights Templar Cyndi & Lou Pantages Jennifer Pantella Jean & Scott Papay, (Mystic Cleaning Services) Papillon & Moyer Excavating & Paving, LLC People First Federal Credit Union Emily Phifer Troy Phifer Posh Properties Quadratus Construction Management, Inc. Tony Rehrig Pat & Pam Reilly Cindy Reinhard Natalia Richards Kreg & Kim Rodrigues Jennifer Rowden Brian & Kathy Schwartz Sharon & Wyatt Shipwash Lynn Shupp, (Photography by Lynn ) Donna & Bob Slaw Chip & Shari Solt, (Joey B’s) Trish & Mike Spillman Phil & Lenore Spohn Dr. Louis Sportelli Dr. Charles Sproule & Margaret White Rebecca Steigerwalt Aki Susko Mark & Anne Sverchek, (Spotts-Svercheck Insurance Agency) Tom Tirpak (Northeast Chemical & Supply Co.) Mark Wagstaff & Robin Grohotolski Jim & Melissa Zegley (Zen With Zegley) |
*Membership list as of July 1, 2024
Complete your donation to join the 20/20 Circle using the form below. You can make your donation of $1,000 all at once, or you can set up a payment plan. For other giving options, please contact the Carbon County Community Foundation at 1-855-545-1311 or info@cccfoundpa.org.