Why work with the Community Foundation?
Top 3 ReasonsĀ
Attorneys, Accountants, and Financial Advisors need to know about the Community Foundation:
Will or Estate Planning
The Community Foundation has the expertise and stability to assure that your clients’ needs will be met and their wishes will be honored in perpetuity. Rather than give a one-time donation directly to individual charities, your clients can create a fund at the Community Foundation that will live on an award funds to an organization or cause, year after year.Ā
Private Foundation Alternative
There are advantages to operating through a fund at a community foundation rather than establishing a private foundation, including:
- advise funds as an individual or via a committee rather than a board of directors
- no need to deal with administrative compliance and filings
- earnings on funds are not subject to excise tax
- no minimum distribution requirement
- assurance of stability, succession planning, and opportunity for growth
Nonprofit Incorporation Alternative
When a client wants to start a nonprofit for the purpose of fundraising for a cause, (such as a scholarship, or giving to medical research or other organizations) they can operate through a fund at the Community Foundation and eliminate administrative hassle and expenses.
When you choose to invest in the future of our community, you want to work with someone who knows the territory. The Carbon County Community Foundation is overseen by a diverse volunteer board of local citizens and run by professional staff with expertise in knowing the local greatest needs. But we go beyond simply making grants that advance charitable activities: we also identify current and emerging issues, stimulate resources to address those needs and, because our focus is right here, help our region prepare for the future.
The Carbon County Community Foundation enables people of all income levels to make a difference in our community and leave a lasting legacy. Donors can establish a permanent endowment fund or make a gift of any size to an existing fund to benefit Carbon County.
You can rely on Foundation staff to help you help your clients meet their goals. The Foundation can:
- Provide a superiorĀ alternative to establishing a Private Foundation
- EstablishĀ Charitable Funds and Scholarships (now or as part of estateĀ plans) and offer expert advice on which vehicle(s) will best accomplish your clients’ goals
- Assure tasteful recognition or anonymityĀ should your client wish
- Offer full tax-deductibility advantages as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
- Receive traditional monetary donations and non-cash gifts such as stock, securities, IRA distributions, or property in one place and then distributeĀ grants to any number of nonprofits
Carbon County Community Foundation is committed to helping your clients build legacies of giving that will forever serve our region.
Contact CCCF today!