Today is #GivingTuesday, the global day of generosity unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

We invite you to consider making a donation to one of the more than 40 different charitable funds that the Carbon County Community Foundation manages.  These funds distribute money throughout the Carbon County region all year long.

Our charitable funds support a wide variety of important causes, including health and human services, the arts, community development, education and more!

What other ways you can you give back today (and every day)?

💙💚 DONATE money or goods to your favorite Carbon County nonprofit organization

💙💚 COLLECT food for a pantry, books for a library, or toiletries for a shelter.

💙💚 VOLUNTEER your time to serve a meal, pick up trash, or visit a senior center.

And remember to spread the word!  Post on Facebook, send an email, and tell your friends and family about the organization you are supporting and the great work they do in the community.  Encourage your friends to join you in giving back this year.


Whatever you decide, THANK YOU for helping to make a difference!

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