The Carbon County Community Foundation is pleased to announce that Sharon L. Alexander, President & CEO, has earned the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP®) designation from the American College of Financial Services, the premier educational institution dedicated to the development of financial services professionals.

The Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy program is designed to bring together financial advisors, attorneys, and nonprofit professionals to serve donors and clients who want to plan not only for their own financial security and that of their heirs but also to make a difference in the world.  The CAP® designation demonstrates that its holders have the knowledge and tools to help clients articulate and advance their highest aspirations for self, family, and society.

Sharon Alexander

Sharon Alexander, CAP®, CFRE

To have achieved the CAP® designation, Sharon studied, passed rigorous exams, and proved that she not only has the technical knowledge to serve donors, including:

    • applying the best tax strategies, tools, and techniques for charitable giving.
    • understanding donor goals for self, family, and society in order to assemble holistic financial strategies that meet those goals in the most impactful way possible.
    • advising donors on important financial matters, including business exit planning, estate planning, and legacy planning.
    • using financial skills and philanthropic planning to make a positive difference in communities and in the world.

In addition, Sharon has sworn to practice ethically and in the best interest of the people she serves and will be required to complete continuing education annually to keep the designation.

“At the Community Foundation, we envision a vibrant and sustainable Carbon County community empowered through charitable giving.  We strive to be a trusted resource for donors and their advisors in order to maximize the benefits of charitable giving for individuals, their families, and our community,” said Sharon.  “There are so many generous people in Carbon County, and I am thrilled to have gone through the CAP® program, earning this additional level of expertise so I can better assist them in carrying out their charitable giving goals for the betterment of our region,” she added.

In addition to the CAP® designation, Sharon has also been recognized as a Certified Fund Raising Executive by CFRE International since 2015 and holds a Certificate in Nonprofit Management from The Nonprofit Center at La Salle University.  She has been with the Carbon County Community Foundation since 2020.

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