The Carbon County Community Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of The Computer Career Accelerator Fund for Carbon CountyThis fund has been established to support students from Carbon County and surrounding areas through grants to organizations offering robust programs that provide career awareness and skills development in the computer/IT fields.

The Carbon County Community Foundation hosted a virtual information session so interested parties could learn more about the fund, the grant awards, and the application process.  Please see below for a link to the recording of that session, as well as additional information about the Fund and grant process, including deadlines and application requirements.

Runtime approx. 11 minutes.

Fund Application Process & Key Dates

Process Description Timeline
Letter of Intent (LOI) Interested Organizations should submit a letter of intent. Template/required information found here. Due: Accepted on a rolling basis
LOI Review CCCF and fund advisory committee will review LOIs and select organization to receive $1,000 microgrants and move. on to next step. Selected Organizations Notified Within 2 Weeks of Submission of LOI
Full Proposals Selected organizations to develop full proposals outlining programs. Template/required information described here. Due: One Month from Notification of LOI Acceptance
Proposal Review CCCF and fund advisory committee will review proposals and select organizations to receive funding ($5,000-$10,000)

Selected Organizations Notified Within 3 Weeks of Submission of Proposal

Program Implementation Selected grantees to implement proposed programs. One to two years, depending on proposals.  Annual progress reports required.

Additional Fund & Grant Information

1. What programs or initiatives will this fund support?

This is flexible and we are looking for input from organizations who are serving the student population in Carbon County.  Our goal is to increase Carbon County students’ readiness and desire to enter a career in a computer/IT-related field.

2. Who should apply?

Organizations offering career awareness, education, and mentoring opportunities to Carbon County students.  May include schools and teachers, after-school programs, workforce programs, and others.  If you are unsure if you should apply, please contact us to discuss.

3. How much will be awarded and how often?

Organizations that submit Letters of Intent (LOI) and are selected to continue will be awarded microgrants of $1,000.  After submitting full proposals, selected organizations will be awarded $5,000-$10,000 to implement programs.  Funding and timing (annual/biannual) will depend on the proposals submitted and the program. 

4. May we submit multiple Letters of Intent (LOI)?

We would prefer that grantees focus on quality over quantity.  Feel free to contact us to discuss your ideas before submitting your LOI.  Similarly, we would love to see collaboration across entities as opposed to different LOIs from multiple organizations.  We may suggest collaboration after receiving the LOIs if we find similarities across programs.  

5. What age groups/geographic areas should our program support?

The proposed program should support students from Carbon County who are high school or college age.  We will consider programs that also support nearby counties or other age groups as long as the primary focus is Carbon County.  Preference will be given to programs that provide mentorship opportunities and hands-on work experiences. 

5. What if I have additional questions?

Please contact us to discuss.

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